Monday, August 4, 2008


They finally let me in, confirmed my registration for classes! All i had to do was re-fax them the two forms that I probably mistakenly faxed to the wrong number earlier.

I am almost done with my studying for the Quantitative Skills Assessment. The only thing I have left to study now is Single-Variable Calculus. I'm not too excited about my Accounting class, but I am *very* excited about my Leadership in Organizations class. A lot of times, I find myself thinking that I would be a very effective leader, and other times I am just a regular good team player. Oftentimes, I am frustrated that I cannot demonstrate more leadership skills on the job because it is so hierarchical and I basically do what I'm told. I guess this class will help me in that area, and if I ever get the chance to actually be a manager, to at least have a framework to work from - to work towards excellence.

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